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December 2023 Diversity Dates

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Happy December! Christmas is on its way, but remember that the month isn't just for Christmas.

There's a wonderful diversity of religious days, celebrations and campaigns which represent the UK's population.

So, whether you're preparing inclusive customer communications or want to educate friends and colleagues this festive season, the below video is a helpful, free diversity and inclusion resource. Scroll down for the text from the video.

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December 2023 Diversity Dates

December isn’t just for Christmas!

This month sees a variety of events recognised and celebrated by the UK’s diverse population. With Christmas being just one.

Our cultural traditions and beliefs are from around the world, and should be given the space to be equally valued. Whether it’s observing religious holidays, cultural festivals or awareness campaigns, the spirit of unity and understanding should prevail.

UK Disability History Month (Until December 16th):

Starting in mid-November, UK Disability History Month celebrates the fight for equality of and by disabled people now and in the past. The campaign is supported by organsiations around the country, and promotes inclusivity and understanding. This year’s theme is Disability, Childhood and Youth.

World AIDS Day (December 1st):

World AIDS Day aims to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and show support for those affected. It’s also an opportunity to smash stereotypes, and work towards a world where everyone receives understanding and compassion.

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (December 2nd):

December 2nd is a day to reflect on the past and stand against modern-day slavery. It's a time to advocate for human rights, equality and justice. Together, we should strive for a world where every person is free and treated with dignity.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3rd):

This day celebrates the achievements and contributions of individuals with disabilities. Led by the World Health Organisation, it highlights the need to meangingfully include disabled people in tackling health inequities. Organisations such as healthcare and charities also play a key role in making this happen.

National Grief Awareness Week (December 2nd-8th):

During National Grief Awareness Week, from December 2nd to 8th, the UK comes together to support those navigating the challenging journey of grief. It's a time to lend a listening ear, offer comfort, and raise awareness about the different ways people cope with loss.

Pansexual Pride Day (December 8th):

Pansexual Pride Day is a celebration of love and acceptance. On this day, we honour and respect the community, and the diversity of attraction regardless of gender and sexes. And help to promote a better understanding and inclusion through awareness raising.

Bodhi Day (Buddhist) (December 8th):

On Bodhi Day, Buddhists celebrate the enlightenment of Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha. It's a day of reflection, meditation and acts of kindness.

Hanukkah (Date varies, December 10th-18th in 2023):

Hanukkah is a joyous Jewish festival celebrated with the lighting of the menorah (candelabra), delicious traditional oil-based foods and festive activities. Families come together to commemorate the triumph of light over darkness over eight nights and days.

Human Rights Day (December 10th): December 10th is Human Rights Day, a time to recognise and advocate for the fundamental rights and freedoms of every person. It's also an opportunity to promote equality, justice and solidarity within our communities.

Dhanu Sankranti (December 16th):

Dhanu Sankranti marks the transition of the sun into the Sagittarius zodiac sign in the Hindu calendar. It's a time for spiritual reflection and gratitude. The Hindu community celebrates by offering prayers and engaging in charitable acts, spreading positive energy and goodwill.

Gita Jayanti (December 16th):

Gita Jayanti commemorates the day the Bhagavad Gita, a revered Hindu scripture, was spoken by Lord Krishna to Arjuna. It's an opportunity for spiritual growth and understanding.

International Migrants' Day (December 18th):

On December 18th, the UK joins the global community in celebrating International Migrants' Day. It's a day to honour the courage and contributions of migrants, recognising the richness they bring to our diverse society. Let's foster understanding and appreciation for the journeys that shape our shared humanity!

International Human Solidarity Day (December 20th):

December 20th marks International Human Solidarity Day, a day to emphasise the importance of unity and collaboration. We stand together in solidarity, acknowledging that our shared challenges require collective solutions.

Yule - Winter Solstice (December 21st):

Yule marks marks the shortest day and longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. Those who celebrate Yule embrace the magic of winter, with festivities, lights and celebrations as we look forward to the gradual return of longer days.

Fast of Tevet (December 22nd):

The Jewish community commemorates the siege of Jerusalem and the events leading to the destruction of the First Temple with a day of fasting, prayer and introspection.

Kwanzaa (December 26th - January 1st):

Stemming from the African American community, Kwanzaa is a week-long celebration of African heritage and culture. Families come together to light the kinara, exchange gifts, and reflect on principles such as unity, creativity and faith, fostering a sense of community and pride.

New Year's Eve (December 31st):

As December comes to a close, the UK joins the western world in bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new. New Year's Eve is a night of festivities, fireworks, and optimism, as we look forward to the possibilities and opportunities of the year ahead.

Wishing you health and happiness this December.

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